Webinar #4: Crypto-currencies and their taxation

Webinar #4: Crypto-currencies and their taxation

The last period has been very good for the crypto world and fortunately many investors have made profits. The question inevitably arises, "How much should I give to the state?" or why not, "How can I optimise tax payments?"

The sources of information are unclear, many accountants are reticent when they hear about crypto, and not everyone has access to experts who cost tens or hundreds of euros per hour of advice.

To find concrete answers to the above questions and more, we invite you to attend the webinar "Crypto-currencies and their loading" on March 22, 7pm.


- Marius Morra - CEO LDV Crypto Exchange.

Special guests:

1. Drd. Flavius Valentin JAKUBOWICZ - Executive Partner at JASILL Accounting - Taxation - Auditing - Consulting;

2. Sergiu-Traian Vasilescu - Managing Partner VD Law Group

Ora: (Eastern European Time (Bucharest))
Durata: 01:00:00
Dove: YouTube Live
Lingua: Română

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