Webinar #2: Intro into the world of Bitcoin

Intro into the world of Bitcoin

Webinar #2: Intro into the world of Bitcoin

Are you smart, involved, entrepreneurial?

You've heard of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, but you still don't know what's up with them? How to buy, what is their usefulness and how can you make a profit?

As promised in the previous webinar, we will return with some information about digital currencies and the crypto world, so that everyone has basic knowledge about Bitcoin and Ether.

We have prepared this webinar for you to get you into the field of cryptocurrencies & blockchain

  • Centralization and Decentralization;
  • What is Bitcoin?
  • What is Ether?
  • Advantages of cryptocurrencies;
  • Monitoring the evolution of the cryptocurrency market;
  • Exchange markets for digital currencies;
  • Digital wallets;
  • How to get cryptocurrencies (mining);
  • Blockchain for everyone;
  • Crypto terms;
  • Brief analysis of the crypto market in the last 3 months;
  • Q&A;

At the end you will have the opportunity to ask what you want in the Q&A session. Marius Morra and Sabin Simionescu, the founders of LDV Crypto Bank, will answer all your questions.

The crypto domain is fascinating, and blockchain technology will be the basis of a revolution in the economic field, especially since after this pandemic the world will no longer be the same.

The webinar is customized for beginners, with simple language and concrete examples.

Come live with us to find out why it's good to know about cryptocurrencies now!

Ora: (Eastern European Time (Bucharest))
Durata: 01:00:00
Dove: Zoom Meetings
Lingua: Română

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