How to invest company funds in crypto and more!

How to invest company funds in crypto and more!

Cryptocurrencies have taken off in Romania and will stay with us well into the future. Let's remember that we were just as skeptical when the Internet first appeared and now it is indispensable to us. 🤔

📢 Have you ever imagined you could invest in cryptocurrencies on your company's books or offer the possibility to pay in cryptocurrencies for your services or products?

This is now possible both legally and accounting wise, and the benefits are far greater than taking out dividends and storing them as "nest eggs" or in a bank account with a term interest rate that doesn't even cover inflation. And if you're doing international transactions the fastest way to receive/make payments is blockchain.

As this topic is quite controversial and misunderstood by many, we have brought along two experts in legal and accounting to answer all your questions about trading on your company's books, everything put together in a 💯 FREE webinar.


📌 When? 

Monday, March 13th, 2023, 7:00 PM EET


📌 Duration?

1 hour 30 minutes


📌 Where?

Online – you'll receive the access link on your e-mail on the day of the webinar.


📌 Who comes?

You and your friends who want to use crypto as payment for your business.


📌 Who’s the speaker?

Marius Morra – TOKERO


📌 Who are the guests?

Flavius JAKUBOWICZ – Jasill Accounting

Sergiu-Traian VASILESCU – VDLaw


Flavius and Sergiu only want to tackle topics that pique your interest, that's why we have prepared a form where you can tell us all your curiosities about cryptocurrency trading through the company. 

Write us your questions here


*By registration to this event, I declare that I have read the Terms and Conditions, and I hereby agree to them.

Ora: (Eastern European Time (Bucharest))
Durata: 01:30:00
Dove: YouTube Live
Lingua: Română

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