The hottest project of the moment, especially for you through TOKERO PRO!

The hottest project of the moment, especially for you through TOKERO PRO!

When we launched TOKERO PRO, we promised many surprises and HOT projects. You already know that we like to keep our promises, so the long-awaited moment has arrived: we present you the first project offered EXCLUSIVELY to TOKERO PRO members!

HUMANS is a deep-tech company that creates and manipulates the digital AND with the ultimate goal of creating synthetical media. The ultimate vision of the company is to succeed in bridging the gap between idea and content and to succeed in creating video, film, synthetic representations of human identity with absolutely anything we can imagine. 

Proof-of-Human technology validates that behind every AI decision is a human and uses blockchain technology to encapsulate each AI into an NFT (non-fungible token), thus providing a management and governance interface for that AI. 

Because you are special to us, we allocate a portion of our investment in Humans to you, the TOKERO PRO community.

HUMANS ($HEART) will be available for purchase from 09/24/2021 at 4 p.m. for 0.012 USDT/token and will be available in 3 packages:

  • 2500 USDT/user;
  • 5000 USDT/user;
  • 10000 USDT/user;

The purchasing principle will be ''First come, first served'' applied by registering on the waiting-list available on this page.

Eligible customers are those who at the time of launch already have in balance the amount of USDT related to the desired package.

More details about the project on

Terms and conditions for this sale are available here

La registrazione in questa lista d'attesa è chiusa.
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Una password complessa include:

  • Sia lettere minuscole che maiuscole
  • 1 o più cifre
  • + un simbolo speciale
  • e ha > 8 caratteri lunghezza