TOKERO was at X Day. Paris

Postato da Marius Morra,

Tradotto da Elena-Octavia Mateescu

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Discover the announcements Elrond made and how the X Day experience was

Starting Thursday, November 3rd, 2022, I was together with Sabin Simionescu – Co-Founder TOKERO in Paris for X Day, an event organized by Elrond in a beautiful location – the Brongniart Palace, the former headquarters of the Stock Exchange.

I went to the event not knowing what would happen, but confident that it would definitely be worth it.

The expectations were fulfilled from the first day, a full one in which Elrond came one by one with announcements. The main message was a major transformation of their own ecosystem both in terms of branding and vision, with focus on the Metaverse.


  • Elrond became MultiversX;
  • Maiar Exchange – XExchange;
  • Maiar app becomes XPortal;
  • Maiar Launchpad – XLaunchpad;
  • Ad astra bridge – Xbridges;
  • Utrust+TwisPay become Xmoney.

Other important "tools" for creation and construction are also brought into the ecosystem:

  • XFabric;
  • XWorlds.

Of particular mention once again is the quality of the event, with its graphics, speeches, guests, etc. Beni had the same brilliant speech, which draws people to the vision of him and his team, and was perhaps only rivaled by the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization of Romania, Sebastian Burduja, also present at the event, an involved, coherent and professionally very well prepared minister, seemingly (with all due respect) above his counterpart in France, also extremely well prepared.

We enjoyed a lot of networking, both with people from Romania and abroad, members of the community, clients, partners, potential partners, and it was an outstanding atmosphere.

We couldn't miss the opportunity either and we made an important announcement for us on Saturday, the launch of TOKERO France –, our first step towards becoming international.

More information about our announcement RO here.

We did not choose France by chance for this first move, Elrond has a lot of supporters in France and we want, among other objectives, to become a strong supporting platform for the Elrond ecosystem, the new MultiversX.

More on this in an interview for Ora de Crypto (Crypto Hour), live at the scene – RO here.

Day 3 – and the last one, ended with a super party, with great music, so much so that we felt like we were in the top clubs in Bucharest. It's extremely unique to have so many things combined in the heart of Paris by a crypto project from Romania. But that's because Elrond/MultiversX has fans who came from thousands of miles away to support this project that creates new standards for all of us active in the industry, standards and goals so motivating that I must confess that, at one point, we actually wanted to leave the conference room, rush to the laptop to work on all our plans and move forward as fast as possible.