TOKERO approaches a new leadership model – Sabin Simionescu will become Co-CEO


Tradotto da Elena-Octavia Mateescu

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TOKERO, the market leader in crypto exchanges in Romania, is introducing a new management model and a new organisational structure of the business.

TOKERO, the market leader in the crypto exchange industry in Romania, according to revenues recorded and reported in 2021, namely a turnover of 2.5 million euros, a transaction volume of 75 million euros and a portfolio of more than 40,000 customers today, is tackling a new management model and a new organisational structure of the business.

After opening the second round of funding, which included a community component until November 24th, and after the start of the IPO process, TOKERO is growing and expanding, processes that naturally generate the creation of new operating structures.

"The Crypto industry has radically changed the way we approach business, and the procedures and techniques we strictly follow in regular businesses can stall such a different business. With the growth opportunities for companies comes the need to create new structures, both executional and managerial. This approach has also been adopted for the TOKERO group, which is now applying the Co-CEO model to its organisational structure. This position will be occupied by Sabin Simionescu who, in addition to his role as co-founder, is responsible for the conception and technical development of the business, experience coupled with knowledge and implementation in almost all areas related to both the business itself and the crypto domain", announces Marius Morra, TOKERO Co-CEO and Co-Fondator.

He also points out that the model and concept TOKERO approaches isn't new, "for example, Bitpanda, an Austrian unicorn in the same area of business, has two CEOs. Or, locally, a relevant example would be One United Properties, a well-known Romanian stock-exchange-listed company, which has adopted the same model, with two Co-CEOs in its organisational structure. As business evolves and redefines itself, traditional organisational structures need to evolve too", says Marius Morra.

With over 20 years of experience in programming and over 12 years in entrepreneurship, Sabin Simionescu defines his career model as a full-stack business-developer. Now both Co-Founder and Co-CEO of TOKERO, a platform whose first three versions were written and implemented by him at more than 90%, Sabin has the ideal combination of skills and authority to take the business to a brand recognised position, appreciated throughout Europe. Especially since one of the main objectives for TOKERO in 2023 is a pioneering action in Romania, namely to become the first Romanian crypto exchange to launch internationally, in countries such as Spain, Italy or France, the first step was recently taken by launching TOKERO France.

The experience he has gained in the domains of law, accounting, marketing, sales, human resources, continuous optimization and feedback loops will be multiplied with his core-competency of developing complex software solutions, structuring data and processes, and delivering the whole combination in an end-user friendly manner.

"TOKERO is currently a web platform that satisfies the need for users to exchange cryptocurrencies. We aim to become, in a few years, part of the everyday life of all those who make up the TOKERO community with a solution that covers most of the financial needs of a person conscious of the value of their time and money", says Sabin Simionescu.

The CTO position, held so far by Sabin Simionescu, will be fully taken over by Cristian Cună, who has been Co-CTO until now. "Cristian Cună, who was already part of the TOKERO team, will take over the position of full-stack CTO. After successfully leading the development of the new TOKERO v4 release, I am confident that the technical department is in good and safe hands", says Sabin Simionescu.

This is not the only change TOKERO is bringing to the organisational structure.

"As the team grows, the classic management system needs to be replaced. We are switching to a new approach, where we will build two teams: one will focus on growth, and the other will focus on maintaining service quality above industry standards. For the accelerated growth that we seek, we are looking for people with out-of-the-box approaches, people who want to write history with us", added Sabin Simionescu.

Article taken from RO