Mircea Căpățînă joins the TOKERO platform as advisor for crypto accounts segment per company


Tradotto da Elena-Octavia Mateescu

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At a time of expansion of the trading segment dedicated to companies, the TOKERO platform attracts an important advisor to the team

The interest of companies in the cryptocurrency trading market has increased significantly this year in Romania, as Marius Morra, CEO & Co-Founder of TOKERO, points out, especially for the exchange platform he jointly founded with Sabin Simionescu. The average annual transactions of companies on the platform, from experience so far, start from a few thousand euros per account and rise to one or even two million euros.

"The increasing attention we are receiving from companies with very different business activities who want to open corporate accounts with TOKERO is also due to the fact that on foreign platforms the process is burdensome due to long account validation times, low customer support and even language differences. More and more companies are turning to TOKERO's services also because of the way we have grown in the market, but also because our platform offers the possibility to create accounts for legal entities since 2019. We enjoy a great diversity of applicants, from associated/crypto related domains such as staking agencies or token projects, to travel agencies, real estate developers, IT companies, retailers or accounting and law firms", Morra affirms.

According to him, the major advantages offered by TOKERO are fast account opening time – the account validation takes only 2-3 hours (compared to several months on foreign platforms), and dedicated and permanent specialised support for account creation or administration on the www.tokero.com /a> platform.

In addition to these benefits, TOKERO operates on the same legislation and the amount of information and documents required is significantly less. The inconvenience created by bureaucracy is thus also greatly reduced.

In this context of expansion of the trading segment dedicated to companies, TOKERO attracts an important advisor to the team, Mircea Căpățînă, entrepreneur, marketer and investor, with 16 years of experience in the SMEs market in Romania, acquired by his contribution to the success of the most used invoicing and management software, with over 75,000 businesses enrolled.

"As I noticed, TOKERO is a serious player, who is progressing year after year. I feel that I can contribute to accelerating this progress, especially in the area dedicated to SMEs, to which my entire professional experience of 16 years is bound up. I'm not the biggest fan of cryptocurrencies, because of the risks given by volatility and lack of regulation, but I know that the crypto universe will be part of our future. I'm glad to have the chance to contribute to a neutral company that has growing traction among entrepreneurs", says Mircea Căpățînă, who will bring to his collaboration with TOKERO the perspective of bridging the (more conservative) financial-accounting field and the crypto world.

With his co-optation, Marius Morra and Sabin Simionescu will also develop within the company a Board of Advisors with specialised collaborators.

"Mircea and I have been corresponding since 2017, since the planning stage of TOKERO, and he has always given us valuable advice based on his extensive expertise in working with small and medium enterprises, exactly the target we are aiming at. Our good communication and the fact that we work together in digital make us set out on the road with the confidence that we will be able to transpose crypto purchases as well as possible on the company. In addition, his pragmatism and our enthusiasm will help us make things as balanced, better and easier to understand for all categories of clients, including accountants, by advising on the financial and legal treatment of cryptocurrency acquisition", concludes the CEO and co-founder of TOKERO.

Article taken from ROhttps://www.revistabiz.ro/mircea-capatina-joins-the-tokero-platform-as-advisor-on-crypto-accounts-segment-per-company/