If you haven't prepared your gifts for your crypto-enthusiast friends yet, see what ideas we have for you


Tradotto da Elena-Octavia Mateescu

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There are many options for offering gifts in cryptocurrencies for Christmas. Here are some ideas:

  1. Cryptocurrencies: If the person you are offering the gift to is interested in cryptocurrencies, you can give them a sum of money in cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or EGLD through an electronic wallet, through the depositing address of the exchanges you use, or by phone number if you use Maiar.
  2. Electronic cryptocurrency wallet: An electronic wallet is a physical device or computer program that allows you to store and manage cryptocurrencies. You can give a cryptocurrency wallet to someone who wants to start their adventure in the world of cryptocurrencies. You can choose the electronic wallet called ledger or create a virtual one through applications that allow this for free.
  3. Cryptocurrency courses/books: If the person you are offering the gift to is a crypto-beginner, and wants to learn more about them, you can offer them a course or a book that explains how cryptocurrencies work and how to use them effectively.
  4. Payments with cryptocurrencies: If the person you are offering the gift to already uses cryptocurrencies, you can surprise them by paying for a service or product with cryptocurrencies through platforms that accept it.
  5. Clothing or decor items with cryptocurrencies: There are also physical cryptocurrencies, which are represented by coins or medals that have a cryptocurrency inscribed on them. You can gift a physical metal coin, a t-shirt, or a lamp with a cryptocurrency, which can be an interesting collectible item.

We hope these ideas will help you find the perfect gift for Christmas.